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Helping veterinarians stay InTouch with pet owners

Why Humanizing the Workplace is Important for Your Team & Your Practice

by Bill Schroeder I’ve often told a story of when my youngest daughter Lilly ran into her 1st grade teacher at a restaurant in our town. Lilly was utterly amazed that Mrs. Carr was there and could not think or talk about anything but her disbelief for the rest of the evening. From that day…
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Organizing for Marketing Efforts:
5 Tips for Success

by Bill Schroeder Organizing for marketing efforts is a crucial step towards success. I clearly recall a conversation from years ago, when I was venting to and seeking guidance from a very successful veterinary marketing professional about how I was unable to get through all the tasks a typical day presents. Without even glancing up…
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The Winner Is... placard

Running a Content Contest

by Bill Schroeder Very frequently, I am met by practice owners and managers who are eager to reach their local pet owners, but don’t understand how to get started or what content will be most impactful. I often suggest that practices look inward and release the genius insight and knowledge that is often bottled up…
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How We Got Here: The Rise of Online Reviews

Online reviews didn't appear out of nowhere. Here we explore in brief the history of reviewing businesses and what the future holds.
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The Top 5 Most Valuable Review Websites for 2022

Bill Schroeder lists the industry's best 5 review websites for marketing your vet practice and building trust with pet owners.
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5 Tips for Getting Your Vet Team Involved in the Creation of Marketing Content

  by Bill Schroeder Recently while teaching a class on digital marketing to a group of seasoned veterinary professionals, I led an exercise whereby the attendees were to compile and share a list of their ideas for marketing content and the most necessary “calls to action.” While many had great ideas, one student’s contributions stood…
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Is Duplicate Content a Threat to Your SEO?

Any business that relies on digital marketing will be protective of their SEO and wary of any potential threats to their SEO efforts. Since SEO is so vital for today’s veterinary practices, these sentiments are understandable. Perhaps your practice has just invested a significant sum into digital marketing and SEO; it’s only natural that you…
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What Veterinary Consolidators Need in Their Digital Marketing Partner

As a veterinary consolidator, one of your biggest priorities is to acquire veterinary practices and make them as profitable as possible. Acquisition can be challenging enough, but building up multiple successful vet practices is extremely challenging as well. This juggling act isn’t something your firm should be doing on its own. You need a skilled,…
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How to Create a Positive Workplace Culture for Your Veterinary Practice

How do you define “workplace culture?” You might say it’s the atmosphere you cultivate at your practice, or a specific theme that encompasses your practice as a whole. Maybe you have a list of core values by which your team abides, or a comprehensive mission statement that influences every aspect of your practice. Regardless, we…
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How to Set the Right Marketing Budget for Your Veterinary Practice

  by Bill Schroeder One of the most common conversations I have with veterinary practices revolves around how much money they should be funneling into their marketing budget. While the answer usually depends on many unique practice and market factors, I thought I’d share some information that might help you evaluate your specific situation and investment.…
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Is Your Practice Achieving Its Marketing Goals?
How to Track Your Results

by Bill Schroeder Recently, while addressing a group of veterinarians and practice managers, I asked for volunteers to tell me about their marketing experience. One practice manager raised her hand and said that she has been doing digital marketing for her veterinary practice for many years. I pressed further and asked her if the practice…
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6 SEO Tips for Emergency Vets: How to Improve Your Google Rankings

Your emergency vet practice provides a much-needed service to its community. You save lives and give pet owners peace of mind. But while your services are certainly essential for anyone with a four-legged family member, you still need to work just as hard as any other business to foster awareness of your practice online. Google…
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