Well, it’s here. Another year is almost over, and we’ve approached the “Be Thankful” period. It’s a time when we turn our focus to our family to let them know how thankful we are for them. It’s also a time that you, as a business owner/team leader, should be giving “Thanks” to your team and to your clients. How do you show “Thanks” for these important people in your life? Here are some ideas to let your clients know you are “Thankful for their business and trust.”
- Use your message on hold program to tell them. Have a special Thanksgiving program developed that highlights how thankful you are for them. Call your scriptwriter now so we can get something together. It’s not too late!
- Let us work on a special “We are thankful for you” Facebook ad campaign. Let us help you by sharing past successful campaigns highlighting Thanksgiving promotions.
- Contact your project manager so we can highlight “things your practice is thankful for” on your website. We can add some team statements…or even a page. Make sure that we also add any hour changes and possible boarding issues on Thanksgiving week that may arise.
- Another fun tip is to have little “thankful” goodie bags for the pets…and special little treats in the waiting room for your clients. Want some easy and quick ideas? Heard of Pinterest? Lol. It might only take a few minutes…but the gesture will go miles. Even using a turkey sticker or stamp on the invoices “thanking” them can put a smile on someone’s face. Never underestimate the power of a kind gesture.
Here are some things we do in our office the week of Thanksgiving. Our staff finds it fun; it’s team building without even trying.
- Monday: Bring in a fun little treat for the team following the whole “Thanksgiving” theme. It could be something as simple as popcorn.
- Tuesday: It grows a little more. Have donuts waiting to let the team know “You are one of the sweetest things I have to be thankful for”…again. It should be fun!
- Wednesday: Everyone gets involved. Last year I made cut-out Pilgrim and Indian headbands for everyone. About two weeks before, we decided to have a potluck. We put up a list, and people who wanted to contribute brought something…and just like school, we all wore our Pilgrim and Indian headbands. It was a great luncheon, and the team already asked in September if we could do it again.
Hopefully, some of these tips will help you show “thanks” to your team and clients. They deserve it. Without them…well…the office would be pretty empty. By the way, we are VERY thankful for you. On behalf of our entire team here at InTouch Practice Communications…thank you for your business!