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Helping veterinarians stay InTouch with pet owners


Do You Need a Veterinary Recruiting Website for Your Practice?

In 2020, over 1 million new pets were adopted into families. Even before this, vet practices were struggling to fill in the gaps in their staff because there simply aren’t enough experienced, quality veterinary professionals. Today, that struggle continues as veterinary practices are competing to fill positions and ease the compassion fatigue, depression, and burnout…
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7 Ways Your Veterinary Website can Help You Recruit

Veterinary practices throughout the country are understaffed and overwhelmed. There’s especially likely to be a shortage of veterinarians as more Baby Boomer vets retire, with fewer Gen X and Millennial vets being available to fill their shoes. This means that hiring is an urgent priority for vet practices everywhere. It might be a priority for…
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Why Your Veterinary Website Needs a Blog

Every veterinary practice with a mind towards growth needs to have a blog on its website. And when we say blog, we don’t mean a place where you publish upcoming events and make posts about team members’ birthdays. You can save that for your social media. Instead, your blog should be a tool you can…
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Why Your Meet the Team Page is About More than Just Your Practice

What’s so special about having a Meet the Team page on your website? For veterinary practices, it isn’t just about showing off your veterinarians and staff members. It doesn’t just serve the interests of your practice. The main purpose of the page is to serve the interests of potential new clients. It should be there…
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Why You Need an Apple Maps Profile to Help Grow Your Vet Practice

If you’re not using Apple Maps to your practice’s advantage, you could be missing out on a substantial population of new clients and patients. Are you familiar with Apple Maps? Are you aware of how your practice is listed on Apple Maps? If you own and use an iPhone or iPad, then you’ll know Apple…
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Our Choices for Best Veterinary Website Design in 2021

As website building and marketing experts, there’s nothing we love more than admiring gorgeous websites that gets results. Today, we’ve decided to share some of what we consider to be the best website designs of 2021. While they all have things in common, they also have a lot of unique qualities that lend themselves to…
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5 Features Your Veterinary Website Needs to Attract New Clients

Veterinary websites are everywhere; you’d be hard pressed to find a practice without one. The only problem is, this means your practice is likely up against some stiff competition. Worse, your website might be getting pushed way down the list in Google search, where no one can find it. But with some extra effort, you…
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Veterinary Email Marketing & Why You’re Doing It Wrong

Email marketing has one of the highest ROI potentials because clients have to opt-in to receiving those emails, which means they’re already interested with what you have to say! The trick, then, is ensuring to meet their expectations! If you find your emails are falling flat and failing to elicit high rates of engagement, you…
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8 Reasons Your Vet Website Forms are Terrible

If you’re going to have online forms on your website, they need to be there for a reason–you want people to fill them out! Vet website forms are a convenient way for pet owners to provide your hospital with information, without having to come directly to your office to fill out paperwork. Furthermore, online forms…
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5 Reasons Why Your Veterinary Practice Needs Custom On Hold Messages

5 Reasons Why Your Veterinary Practice Needs Custom On-Hold Messages

Any busy practice owner knows that callers will have to be put on hold sometimes. It’s just the way it goes! Yet, instead of giving your callers music to listen to, a general “thanks for holding” message or, even worse, silence, why not give them customized, educational messages? Customizing your on-hold program is a strong…
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rename ways your website can increase act

4 Ways Your Website can Increase ACT

Is your average client transaction (ACT) stagnant or worse, decreasing? Do you think your vet practice is charging clients based on what you think they are willing to pay, and not what your services and products are actually worth? Does it feel like you’re missing out on lots of opportunities to up your profits? You’re…
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Why You Need to Start Responding to Your Google Reviews

Why You Need to Start Responding to Your Google Reviews & How to Do It

Every practice wants to get glowing reviews from their clients. Who doesn’t? And while it’s extremely important to encourage your clients to write a review about their experience at your practice, it’s equally important that you know how to respond to all the reviews your practice gets–especially the lukewarm and negative reviews. Virtually every business,…
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