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Helping veterinarians stay InTouch with pet owners

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3 Things to Think About When Building a New Website

Whether you want to build a website because you’re starting a new practice, or your current Web design and function are out-of-date and need to be revamped, it’s an extremely important project. WHY is it important? Because your website will represent your practice and your brand. Have no fear; your InTouch team is here! Our…
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The Benefits of Automation

Today’s world is fast-paced and constantly on the go. This has led to people handling their day-to-day tasks at different hours, and in different manners than they had in the past. Through online tools, many practices are also changing the way they handle their own day-to-day operations. One key area has been the automation of…
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The Benefits of Stock Photography

Familiar… Seen it… Used it… This is what I think as I look at stock images used in ads, billboards, websites – or anywhere for that matter. While I do believe that stock photography is convenient and a great asset, I conversely feel like it’s hard to find that great photo that no one else…
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3 Benefits of having Videos on your Social Media Platforms

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed a dramatic increase in the use of video on social media platforms. Why? Because that’s what catches the users’ attention! Many people may complain about how our world is becoming more and more fast-paced, but ya just gotta move with the times. Sure, pictures have their place…
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Why SEO is Important

Search Remains a Growing Space Today, Google, the leader in the search engine market, processes 40,000 search queries every second. This is four times the number processed in 1998, the year Google was founded – and the number is still on the rise. The different situations and purposes that this huge amount of searches are…
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Why You Need a Mobile Website

Why You Need a Mobile Website

Are you worried about your site being mobile? Be honest. If you’re not, you should be! Anyone who owns a website should be concerned about how the site appears on mobile devices. If you’ve ever reviewed your website analytics, I’m sure you’ll see that the largest amount of views come from mobile visitors. Reuters reports…
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Apps and Your Veterinary Practice

Apps and Your Veterinary Practice

In an Apple commercial that aired on January 26, 2009, the catchphrase, “There’s an app for that.” was introduced to the world. In the early days of smartphones, this phrase was often used in jest.  Now, with the ever-increasing number of smartphone users, this phrase exemplifies our (mobile) reality more and more.  If you’ve ever…
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Why Write in Layman’s Terms

Why Write in Layman’s Terms

As a trained veterinarian, veterinary technician, assistant veterinarian, or other trained medical professional in the veterinary field, you’re pretty well-versed in the terminology used in various animal conditions. After all, you went to school for many years, attended many classes, read many books, and listened to many well-seasoned veterinary professionals during your budding career’s infancy.…
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1What Is Online Reputation Management

What Is Online Reputation Management?

Online reputation management is the art of scanning across the internet’s digital landscape for information about you and your practice, encouraging pet owners to share their feelings about your veterinary practice online, and knowing how to respond to situations whereby negative (often inaccurate) reviews are made online. When combined with the realization that there’s an…
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1Easy Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Marketing Strategy

Easy Ways to Incorporate Video into Your Marketing Strategy

Times have changed. Back when we were children, getting our picture taken was a “special” event that was marked on the calendar. It was a day that prompted the purchase of new clothes, a haircut, and, in my cases, so much hairspray that a typhoon couldn’t move the helmet head, slicked back hairstyle my mother…
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Giving Thanks To Your Team

Giving Thanks To Your Team

Well, it’s here. Another year is almost over, and we’ve approached the “Be Thankful” period. It’s a time when we turn our focus to our family to let them know how thankful we are for them. It’s also a time that you, as a business owner/team leader, should be giving “Thanks” to your team and…
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Your Business’ Online Reputation Why It Matters and How to Manage It

Your Business’ Online Reputation: Why It Matters and How to Manage It

Online reviews are important. As a practice manager or owner, you’ve probably heard this before. But why are online reviews so important? So you can show how much better or more popular your animal hospital is than the one down the street? Reviews are not just a feather in your cap. Often, reviews can be a…
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