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Helping veterinarians stay InTouch with pet owners

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Educating Your Clients on Holiday Pet Safety

Whether it’s the dark chocolate at Valentine’s Day, or the sparkling tinsel at Christmas time, there are many things about the holidays that can be dangerous to pets. The question is: Are you doing enough to educate your clients on these potential hazards? Sure, talking to them during their pet’s annual wellness visits is one…
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Turn a Negative Review into a Positive Experience

As the owner of a veterinary practice, you know what it means to work hard. Being praised for your hard work always feels good, but when you receive criticism or negative feedback regarding your staff or services, it tends to sting a bit. You can’t please everyone. Even if you do everything right and bend…
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The Eyes Have It: Good Graphics Can Make Your Website Pop

Let’s face it… most web surfers don’t really want to read long blocks of copy. In today’s mobile device-driven society, it’s hard to keep the attention of web surfers. People want to get the information they need from your website fast. Good graphics provide a fast information delivery system and should do at least one…
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First Impressions Matter for Your Practice

What kind of impression are you presenting to the world? Do you walk into a room filled with people, trying to be noticed, or do you follow the perimeters of that room, observing the behavior of others? Whether your tendencies are introverted or extroverted, I think we can all agree that first impressions matter in…
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Domains, Hosting, FTP… What do These Terms Mean?

Whether you have a website or you’re looking to purchase one, you’re going to have questions about what steps you need to take to get a gorgeous finished product. You’ll probably ask questions such as: “What do I buy to get my website live?”, “Should I own my domain name?”, “How many domain names should…
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How to Build a Great Survey

Getting feedback from clients helps any business grow and improve. There are many tools which allow collection of data, from questionnaires to survey cards to many others. One of the best tools would be the use of a survey tailored for your specific practice. However, this leads to one of the biggest problems: What questions…
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What an SEO-Certified Copywriter Can Do for Your Website

Most veterinary practices have a website nowadays—or at least they should—but what’s equally important is making sure that website can be found in online searches. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in. Perhaps you do have a website with content that you wrote yourself. If that’s the case, the questions to consider are:…
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Telephone Customer Service

The first perception of your practice can be made within those first few seconds of a telephone greeting. “Thank you for calling InTouch Practice Communications. This is Lisa. How may I help you?” It’s very important to have a professional, clear voice as representation of your client’s first interaction with the practice. Think of other…
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Why You Should Consider Using Facebook Ads

Lately, it seems that everyone is on Facebook. In fact, over a billion people log into their Facebook accounts each day! While it’s important to create relevant and engaging posts on your practice’s Facebook page, there are more people out there who haven’t “liked” your practice’s page yet who could be a potential client. This…
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5 Ways a Dedicated Project Manager Can Make Your Life Easier

It’s 3 a.m., and the world is sleeping…except you. You’ve woken up again thinking of looming deadlines and wondering, “Did I pay that bill?” We have all been there and wished we had a personal assistant to remind us when important dates were drawing near. The same can be true for any project that needs…
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Pay-Per-Click and Your Practice

Getting your practice’s name out there for the public to find can be challenging for your practice, especially if your digital footprint is small or non-existent. One quick way to give your practice a booth is through paid ads, also known as pay-per-click or PPC. And with all strategies, there are pros and cons. The…
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How to Know When It’s Time to Redesign Your Website

So, you have a website for your practice. That’s a great start! Now here’s the million-dollar question: Is your website performing the way it should? Simply having a website nowadays doesn’t guarantee success. One of the biggest things to consider is the age of your website. Sure, people say age ain’t nothin’ but a number,…
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